The Potential To Find The 1,000%+ Moves in Stocks

The easiest, stressless, least time and effort consuming Stock Trading/ Investing System to make 500% to 1,000%+ in U.S. stocks

Key fundamentals do matter

The sector does matter.

Price and volume does matter.

No “micro management wanted nor needed, there is no trading actually. You buy in these stocks and check the price once a week maximum.

These are the very best stocks on the xchanges. Yes they can move down 25%+ or go flat for months but generally they keep moving up

3-6 such stocks show up every two years

When in you check maximum once a week. Once a month is better.

The big winners can take upto TWO years to reach the 1,000% gains

Stocks like:


APP, in at $20.

PLTR in since $15. PLTR is going to $200+. Follows the same pattern as all the other 1,000%+ moves.

If you have to look at charts at least keep it in yearly charts so you ignore all the noise:

Over 80% winners. I class any gain over 100% as a winner.

This is not about “trading” or constant quick fire action. But finding high quality companies to invest in for upto two years at the right time for 500%+ gains.

Expect 1-4 stocks a year to pass all the criteria. I can go 7+ months with no new stocks.

If you lack patience and discipline this is not for you. There is almost nothing to do.

Momentum Stock Trading System Hard copy + 24 month trading signals $2,000.

Why 24 months? Because anything less is too short of a time frame.