Happy 2025:
Pump and Dump Stock Trading:
2024: 7 trades
1 loss:
2025: +11% Feb 3rd 2025:
Trade 1: WIN
Trade 2 Loss:

Day Trading:
100% in 23 minutes

2 cycles
Jan -Feb- March
September- October- November
Compound returns. Goal is 200%+
Jan 2025:
Day trade for three months Jan . Compounding returns
9 trades
6 wins
3 loses.
Return in account: 54%

Day Trading:

Jan 2025:
IPO Trading System
200% 2X

December 2024:
I used to only trade one way. Momentum Stocks. But the truth is you should trade several methods. As one dries up and goes flat others are trading.
Day trading is highly lucrative. That really opened my eyes. But to sit in front of the screen every day is not my idea of a good life. So I only day trade from now 3-4 months. January onwards.
The rest of the year it is end of day trading.
Trades 15th -20th December (that is it until New Year now)
NUKK: +189% 3 days
NVNI +1000% 2 days
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. There were some amazing trades in 2024.
There is a god…

Successful Day Trade: 16th December

DXYZ Runs again:

100% in about two hours:

Day Trading Managed accounts:
APP Momentum Trade:
As it closes in on 1,000% gains. I’d be tempted to offload 80-90% at $400
This is how fortunes are made. 1,000%+ gains. Imagine doing that with $500,000

Suspended. In AT $12..

30th November:
THE ETF’s are more volatile than the stocks in 2024:

PLTR Our next 10 bagger?

This is a one day move.

17th September:
Believe me you re better off getting getting out what might seem a bit early than staying in. The drops are unbelievable.

16th Sept
This triggered a buy under Momentum Volatility trading method. But then triggered a second buy months later.
Target is $40.

100% in THREE days. WHERE else can you make such gains?

BINGO. 100% gain to add.

4th September:
And it’s done. Pump over there is the dump.
OK. Let’s wait for the next one


Stock nears the price target. Hopefully today/Monday.
Some group are taking these stocks on “rides”.

UBXG was another 200% gain in 2024.
Yes it was a scam stock. You have to trade very carefully but where else can you make 200% in a few weeks? ….and it is guaranteed.

UBXG is a fraudulent Cayman Islands-registered stock shell linked to Chinese VIEs and created solely to exploit US capital markets. If you own this stock, double-check on your due diligence and be ready for the unexpected.
U-BX Technology LTD ($UBXG) is a recently IPO’ed Chinese company that claims to provide value-added services using AI technology to businesses in the insurance industry in China. The company claims to engage in digital promotion services, risk assessment services, and value-added bundled benefits. It helps institutional clients obtain visibility on various social media platforms and generate revenue based on consumers’ clicks, views or clients’ promotion time through those channels. However, my investigation reveals that U-BX is a subpar imitation of Autohome, Inc. ($ATHM) All these aforementioned service are already offered by Autohome. And, Allegedly, two of the company’s founding officers previously worked for Autohome, which may explain the striking similarities in their business models and mission statements. While Autohome is a legitimate operating business, U-BX seems to be a fraudulent scheme created solely to be hyped up and then abandoned on unsuspecting US investors. If there is a sustained interest in trading this stock, it could pose a serious risk to investors.
15th August 2024:
Pump and dump momentum stocks
In at $8. Target $24

So obviously something was announced last week. Why be in any other stock right now?

01st July…WOW Over half way through the year.
Remember NNE? Well I have posted about here man times. It was a 400% gainer for me.
Now you can either moan and complain about these stocks and not make any $$$’s. Or you can recognise most tocks are B*S and scams. But go along for the ride anyway.
From a REDIIT post:
Nano Nuclear Energy ( $NNE) is a shameless grift. Worth zero
Financial securities are simply promises. They derive their value solely from the trust in their ability to meet investors’ expectations and generate returns. A single breach of trust is sufficient to render a security inherently valueless*. Analysts and bankers ought to work to distinguish unreliable financial promises from sound opportunities deserving of investors’ capital. It is a calling that I have wholeheartedly embraced and am dedicated to upholding.*
The safekeeping and effective management of our Capital-saving is a key feature of a prosperous capitalist society. Its erosion through inflation or unjust fraud can result in its downfall. Have we reached that point yet?
Nano Nuclear Energy, Inc ( $NNE) is an ” UNTRUSTWORTHY pre-revenue stock promotion scheme with no chance of ever fulfilling its promises.
NNE went public without a “ demonstrated” technology to support its business model. The corp expects to process its micro reactor licensing application between 2026 and 2031. This is essentially a stock issuing scheme without basis given the complexity of regulatory approval and high cost of funding required to operate a Nuclear company.
Also, in its prospectus, the corp states that:
“ All our officers are presently engaged by us on an independent contractor basis, and they each have management, advisory or directorship positions with other companies and may allocate their time to other businesses!”
Nothing could be more ridiculous or comical to read given the seriousness and focus that is demanded in risky and dangerous sector like the nuclear.
Without the need for further investigating its business operation given its pre-revenue capital structure , it is fair to imply that $NNE is a complete ZERO that MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST! It is an empty scheme riding on the coat tails of the newly gov subsidized micro reactors ( SMRs) industry.
Serious companies financed by Billionnaires like Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett have yet to go public. It is absolutely ridiculous to believe that a pseudo millionaire TSX micro cap stock hustler would be the one to revolutionize such a novel industry.
29th June:
After a huge volume spike usually one of three things happen.
- It collapses from there and is never hear of again.
- It then goes into a base. A dormant stage then springs back to life

3) From this volume spike the stocks runs.

These offer great, but rare opportunities in trading.
27th June:
What on earth happened on the 30th May to FTEL? Was it a brokers mistake? Something went wrong. If it hits $40 I am out with another 400% gainer. IF I get three of these a year it is a great year. Hopefully it reached $40 on this surge and does not correct.

25th June
NNE get better and better.
$3.25 to $33. Why can’t you take 200%to 300% from this?

21st June:
Everyone’s focus is on NVDA. What about this stock?

20th June
Everyone is looking at NVDA but it is not the only stock. What about ARM?IPO at $40 a year ago. Clearly going $250+

19th June:
SO NVDA is the stock in the market. Some bright spark sets up one ETF that is 2X leverage in NVDL and makes a few hundred million $$$. NICE
I might try this my-self one day. Find THE stock in the market. Set up one ETF that is simply 2X that stock.
I “think” NVDL goes to $120-$150 range in this bubble. The correction will be biblical. I will have made my 400% by then and be watching.

5th June
Accuracy beats quantity!
If you only made two trades a year but those trades made you 100-200% would you be happy?
You would think it was common sense but 99% want to trade all the time not to win. Most trading methods are no better than random. That’s why they go on and on about losses, risk management, drawdowns, etc….If you win big most of the time 90%+ these concerns do not come into play.

As Gordon Gekko said “Dogs with flees..I want sure things…”
4th June:
BIG Risers. But not good companies. Stock trading is gambling..NOT business:
GPCR is a company riding the GLP-1 obesity drug wave and trialling oral (easier to take) non-peptide (easier to make) drugs. They announced “positive top-line results” and the shares went from 34 to 47 to 30 premarket. It closed up by 60%.
They had no better results than the one last posted in Dec which made the stock drop from 59 to 33. The weight loss at 8 weeks was 5.5% against placebo 0.8%, vs 12 week data of 6.2% against placebo 0%, meaning most of the gain was from placebo. I think they’ve given up on progress with diabetes.
The weight loss is average, but vomiting and nausea is the worst-in-class! 62% vomited and 89% had nausea… bet no one wants to eat when they feel like throwing up! I could make a diarrhoea pill and you’ll lose 5kg in a week.
And, predictably after the price jump, they announced a secondary offering right after market close.

INOD is another company riding the generative AI craze, despite the bulk of their business being data annotation. Majority of their workforce is in Philippines and India, CEO has been there since 1997 and is clueless about AI (he has English and law degrees), they have no CTO or even full-time CFO… Wolfpack did a great short report about them in Feb. Look at their stock price history and one trend is obvious: they follow the market tech wave when they get new contracts, and drop back down once the contracts are over. Headline numbers like the $44 million annual contract that they announced yesterday are subject to ramping up and early termination. They need to declare their customer retention rate, otherwise we can all look at Appen (their closest data services competitor that they tried to buy recently) for a preview of their fate. Appen has a market cap ~70M on revenues of ~270M last year while Innodata is at >400M market cap on 120M forward revenue.

the Moderna jab and it was about as bad is covid itself, so I thought we should support a non-MRNA alternative with high efficacy. Unfortunately, their execution was terrible and management kept delaying their deliverables timeline. When they rolled out the shot, they couldn’t even be profitable on 1.6B revenue in 2022! They were saved by the Sanofi deal and the stock tripled from 4.50 to 13.50, but today’s jump to 18+ was caused by FDA considering to update shots for new covid variants — which are even milder than the previous variants! Who would want to get a new jab to protect against two days of sore throat? Novavax will develop shots for new variants and continue losing money. The upsides are the high short interest, being a meme stock, and periodic hype cycles that send the price up 5-20x. Tread carefully here.

Stock of the Month:
“It is too high…It cant go up anymore. It’s just a clothing company”
Quotes I heard when ANF was at $50- $100 range…
A stock is never “too high nor too low! for anything

26th May:
Meanwhile momentum stocks are doing great.

21st May: If you believe in the NVDA stock story you are better off getting into this ETF. 2X leverage. Like trading NVDA on margin: SWIN: SWIN Stock: OK…I do think it goes higher but my goal was $30 and I will stick with it. 200%. gains so fast. I still think you need to see a 50%+ day for a top. BUT when it falls you will not be able to get out. If you stay in from here it is a game of chicken. 18th May Call me mad but I do not think this is a top in SWIN yet. I am holding on for $30+. In since $10. Pray it does not do an IZM on me. I do not see a top in the stock yet. This week will be interesting. 14th May: EXIT GME at $58. Over 100% in 2 days. I am not pushing it anymore This is why we have to at least monitor these stocks intra day. Game Stop : GME Filled at $27. Gapped past the entry. Hmmmm…oh well let’s see where it goes. MTEN: Target $10. Hopefully this week: Oh look who is back for another “run” SWIN. I “think” this could run to $30+ very soon in another blow up. Let’s see what happens 10th May I have no idea what this company does but its stock price is great. These are the best trends to follow. Smooth and steady. 9th May These are what I call smooth trending stocks. They keep going without huge volatility, dips and crashes. Find them and invest in them for the big % moves 8th May 2024: MTEN is the latest I.P.O. runner. Run boy..run! 6th May 2024: YIKES……the sell off is huge. Talk about a collapse. BUT if you managed to get in on the way up the gains are fast. 30th April: It will be interesting to see where this goes today. A big buyers came in after lunch and it held up well. 27th April Currently it is the I.P.O. Trading system that is only working. That’s fine. Momentum Stock Trading system will kick back in again one day. 25th April MNDR is holding up fine. Unlike “pump and dump stocks” all stocks pause and dip. It’s how they do it that is important. anything can happen but I like the action on this one so far. 18th April AND pop she goes. These pump and dump stocks end up one way every time. Although this collapse was brutal. Amazingly it was up to $100 pre market then ranked. Millions made and lost in the last month. HINT: If some stranger is giving you “insider information” and telling you a stock will hit a certain price…you are being played. The way to play these is to find the stocks they are pumping and take the safe middle part. You cannot afford to get caught when it collapses. That is fatal as you can see. -90% drops are common. There is no support. The only buyers on the way past $20 was the people being conned into this pump and dump. 16th April Why has IZM gone up so much and there is no pause? Still I hope you made some % returns from this? When it falls it will be fast. The time to get in was less than $25. 11th April 2024: Tip: Once you get in a trade switch to weekly/monthly charts to gain perspective. Ignore day to day “noise” and go with the longer term flow. ROOT Daily chart: Root Weekly chart. See how much easier it is to follow the trend with a weekly/monthly chart? See that huge 2 day drop for $60 to $42? On the weekly chart you are not even aware of this. The daily charts leave the possibility of you getting spooked by random drops. IZM daily IZM Weekly: 10th April 2024: POP…..and what else could eventually happen? This is why it is best to have a $ target and get out on these on the way up. On on another front these stocks can move fast. Reminds me of SWIN earlier on in the year. Look for the say it makes a 100%+ move then it’s over. Could be today. Put a buy in at about $39…see it it runs today. 8th April 2024: Want the chance to make 100% to 300%+ on a single trade in less than 10 days. Sometimes in 2 days? For a very small number here’s the deal: We talk. You give me your details. I explain what it is I do. I give you the trad signal. You follow it. IF you make at least 100% on the trade you pay me $5,000. So you make sure it is worth it. I am relying on you to do the right thing and follow the signal and pay me on success. IF you don’t. It’s fine. No legal recourse. But obviously that’s the end of that relationship and I’ll poist you details on my “wall of shame” So only do this if you intend to do the right thing. Certain classes of people are not welcome. no offence but I have done this long enough to realise certain cultures only care about scamming. Obviously there are no guarantees. But it is high probability. You have to trade with enough so it is worth you paying the $5k fee at the end of the trade. IF you claim to have not followed my signals but the trade hit say 150% that’s on you. Pay the $5k or we are done. Interested? rcdwealthltd@protonmail.com From $8 to $73 in 8 days. NICE! 29th March 2024 Insiders loaded up on this stock in November/December…Looks like the pump and dumpers are back. The Only three stock trading books recommend are: And it is not to copy their systems or methods. But to read about their experiences of trading. I.E Darvas’s “box system” is a complete waste of time. BUT his experience of going from penny stocks and hunches to trading the higher priced leading momentum stocks is priceless. The 7 Habits of a Successful Trader Youtube and social media was superb for sources of wisdom prior to 2010. Now it is ruined with complete scams and vendors. Some of the research into some stocks 1998-2008 was amazing. I wonder where these guys went? Sign of the times I guess. There are some videos worth watching with Peter Lynch, (his books are also worth reading) William O’neal (CANSLIM) etc but keep out of the comments section. Ruined sadly. By far the best stock screener to use. Free as well. 28th March: POP….See the buying in the year before? Wonder where it goes from here? 25th March Right…….so obviously some kind of market manipulation going on here. Since August there was a few low key buying days. Keeping it under the radar. But they knew what was about to happen. Look at how flat in price and volume it was before it collapsed. And that collapse was on purpose. They took it from $11+ to under $5 to buy more. Then it explodes from less than $5 to a high of $37 in less than three weeks. Even if you took a 150%-200% gain from the middle of the move. But how best to find and trade these moves? Interesting to see what happens now. It looked like it collapsed to under $10 but then sprung back over 100% on huge volume (relatively..) I have no idea where it goes from here….. But it shows there is manipulation and insider deals going on in the lesser traded stocks. If you have any “real insider information…” be sure to email me 18th March Whilst everyone is trading NVDA, SMCI and MSTR these little unkown stocks move even faster. Look at DAVE. Not not “Dave” but D.A.V.E. the stock. What does the company do? I have no idea. It’s gone from $5 to $43 in less than six months. These stocks move fast and under the radar. 16th March Wow market leaders keep on leading. Who would have guessed it? *Darvas, Livermore…?) You should have been in stocks like this below $500 and simply enjoy the ride. On a different note I think I might have worked out a system to catch great moves like OCEA and HOLO to make 200% moves in a matter of a few weeks…even a few days sometimes. The big problem was getting the accuracy up. I had to filter out the losing trades. I’ll see how it goes in the months ahead as it looks like there are only 1 trades every 4-6 weeks. Which is fine 14th March: Want the chance to make 1,000%+ per year? Click here Come on…what is going on here? Only in Chinese stocks can this happen. Still there was 10-20 points to be had for the quick, savvy trader: If you got in at $40 or $50. It fell hard from its high. So how could we profit from such a move? Well I have thought about scanning for stocks that have made over 100% moves on the day and over 1 million shares…Not sure that is necessary? BUT then waiting for the correction. Then waiting for a huge up day again..maybe > 50%. It always looks too high when it happens. But we want to be crazy high and sell stupid high. Exits….? The hardest part of any trading method. Where to get out? Even on SWIN it goes from $30 to $45 for a quick 50% move. So you get in $45- $50… It hits a high of $72 within the hour and falls. …We can’t pick tops..so do you get out at $60? $55…? Even so it’s a good 15 points trade in about one hour. So here is CXAI: On the 28th Feb 2024 It makes over a 100% move on the day… Wait for the correction… Wait for the 50%+ move on the day… 13Th March it happens. But the problem is your entry is at $3.. Virtually no profit on this one. Still it’s an idea to watch and maybe tweak. Lower Priced Momentum Stock Trading System Hmmmm….wonder what happened there? 11th March: Bitcoin is in the news this morning I see. A sure sign of “Tulip mania”. The only way to trade such volatility like Bitcoin is to use a long term trend following system and hope to catch some big moves that last months and give you big gains. Is B.T.C. Any better than stocks like NVDA, SMCI, META,AMD? Which is less volatile and safer? The “newer” stocks usually have the volatility. So look at these stocks…More importantly how do we profit? 9th March 2024 Feb 2024: BMR you little ****** er This is how it looked INTRA Day: All done in the first two hours. Even if you got in late at $15 there was 15- 20 points to be made… I wonder where these market leading momentum stocks are going? Reminds me of 1999 all over again. What is high can go much higher….but when they fall… Jan 2024: A New Year…. Wow how did that happen? I hear all the time. You can’t beat the market. You cannot make over 20% per annum. Blah, blah… If you went all in on SMCI at $200 you would be over 400% up now.. OK That’s high risk taking. What about these Funds that manage billions of $$’S So the top fund with nearly $1 billion managed returned an average over 41% over three years. I am guessing it was not dead on 41% every year but somewhere in the 30% to 50%+ years. You can have 50%+ years trading many hundreds of millions of $$$$’s. By taking on huge risk but not gambling you can have 70%+ years. Some years. These funds have averaged out over 35% per annum over years. Often have 70%+ years..WITH Billions of $$$’s
Fund Manager3-Year Performance MW 3-Year Performance EW AUM Top 20 Conc. Turnover Fund Rating SIR Capital Management
Vince Maddi185.42% (41.85% Ann.) 151.38% (35.97% Ann.) $ 977.56M 65.29% 45.78% Robotti Robert
Bob Robotti171.18% (39.45% Ann.) 83.02% (22.32% Ann.) $ 694.62M 89.00% 5.00% Peconic Partners
William Harnisch135.26% (33.00% Ann.) 70.73% (19.52% Ann.) $ 2.08B 100.00% 45.45% Goldentree Asset Management
Steve Tananbaum115.27% (29.12% Ann.) 80.03% (21.65% Ann.) $ 962.91M 98.36% 36.67% Lodge Hill Capital
Clinton Murray112.43% (28.55% Ann.) 111.00% (28.26% Ann.) $ 226.99M 98.89% 45.16% Bridgewater Associates $124,317,200,000 Renaissance Technologies $106,026,795,439 AQR Capital Management $94,523,700,000